We’ve all had to adapt to change these past few months and many of us may be experiencing some worry or fear. I have been working with clients online to help them through this and wanted to share a few tips with you:
1. Keep moving. Pandemic creates a flight or fight stress response which we normally respond to by physical movement, but lockdown means we are restricted. Keep moving at home and make use your daily exercise if you are able go out. This helps burn off stress hormones benefiting us physically and mentally.
2. Set a routine to restore sense of time. Get up and go to bed at regular times and set a daily list of things to do.
3. Create a safe home. Losing sense of safety is common so look after your home by cleaning, tidying, add flowers, pictures or display things that provoke happy memories. If you know anyone at risk of domestic violence, see the links below.
4. Lack of predictability. Plan something to look forward to, do some research, put up some pictures to motivate you. Visuals are much more powerful than thoughts.
5. Keep connecting. We are social animals and most of us are already keeping in touch by phone, video call and talking to neighbours. For communication to be fulfilling it needs a connection rhythm, we get this by hearing a reply or seeing a facial or body language response.
6. Give yourself a sense of purpose. You might have noticed times when you have felt numb and disconnected. Excessive TV, eating, alcohol and addictions are a sign we have lost purpose. Do things that make you feel alive and motivate you such as music, art, building something, nature, exercise or even an online course. Acknowledge and be honest about your feelings. Reflect on what you have found to be positive or beneficial in these times.
7. Embrace calm. Many people are quite sensitive at the moment and easily fuelled by fear and negativity, so if you are in a situation where someone gets a bit heated try to take a deep breath and not react. We can’t change the other person but we can change how we react to it. Try some breathing exercises, keep moving, do what makes you feel good and keep negative news to a minimum.
I have also created some short videos, ‘19 Covid Tips to Survive Lockdown,’ on my Facebook Page. These are my first attempts at videos and a sign of my resilience during lockdown!
Get in touch to find out more about my online one to one or group talking therapies .
If you are struggling to cope speak to your GP or contact one of the organisations on NHS & Charity Helplines
For domestic abuse contact the Police or National Domestic Abuse Helpline