Stressing about Sleep Problems?

Is Poor Sleep Making you Anxious?

These can really intensify the problem!  The first steps to breaking the poor sleep pattern are to accept it is happening and to stop fighting it.  You can then move forward and relearn how to sleep better.  Acceptance is the key to moving on from most problems.

I recently had to retrain myself to sleep.  I generally sleep well but after surgery my routine went to pot.  My body was dealing with anesthetic, pain killers, pain, lack of exercise and fresh air, no routine and a little too much tea.  Happy to say my sleep is back on track.  I got back into a routine, did breathing exercises when I woke up, reduced caffeine and now I’m back running so sleeping is easy again.

Read on for some basic TIPS, everyone is different so find what works for you.

Set a positive Mindset, BELIEVE YOU CAN sleep. Our brains actually listen to what we tell ourselves, which often limits achievements.  Have you tried the opposite, focus on keeping awake?  It can be interesting.  STOP making it an issue, accept it, avoid pushing it away.

Sleep is important, our mind and body use it to recharge and repair.  Sleep enables the brain to process stress and worries.  Long term sleep deprivation can increase the risk of diabetes, low immunity, pain, heart problems, obesity and poor mental health.

Get into a sleep ROUTINE.  Relax before bed, try a bath or book.  Go to bed and set your alarm for the same times every day including weekends.

CALM YOUR THOUGHTS with breathing or relaxation exercises, write your worries down in a journal, try a gratification diary.  Be in the present, avoid thinking about the future, we spend too much time worrying about scenarios that never happen.  Write down worries about the past and put them away, we can get anxious about things we can’t change?  Try the short relaxation audio below. 

Consider your ENVIRONMENT, is your room the right temperature, is it dark enough?

EXERCISE and time OUTDOORS burn off stress and boost relaxation.  A walk in the park or activities like dancing are great exercise and uplift your mood.

Avoid evening STIMULANTS, caffeine, alcohol, sugar and nicotine.  If I cycle home too late it can take me a while to come down off the dopamine.  If you are trying to digest a late meal this can prevent you sleeping.

BLUE LIGHT given off from electronics, mobiles, TV and some energy efficient lighting can inhibit the hormone melatonin, disturbing sleep.  Break away from these for a while before going to bed.  Keeping you mobile or TV out of the bedroom can be more calming and reduce distractions.

If you wake up during the night read, do a jigsaw, avoid looking at the time, accept what’s happening, avoid fighting it.

If you think your medication or a medical problem may be affecting your sleep speak to a doctor or pharmacist.

Want to relearn how to sleep better?  Get in touch for a free phone consultation to see if TALKING THERAPIES are something that might help you.

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