A treatment to help musculoskeletal problems and injuries.
Deep tissue massage, acupressure and soft tissue manupulation techniques such as NMT, MET, Soft Tissue Release, Strain-Counterstrain and Myofacial Release.
Treatments aim to relieve strains, sprains, whiplash, sports injuries, RSI and tennis & golfer’s elbow, as well as reducing stiffness, tension, headaches, aches & pains whilst improving mobility.
Myofacial Release Techniques are generally more relaxing and slower. Treating a larger area of the body for each technique. For more information on Myofacial Release Techniques find out more here.
Your treatment session will include a consultation and assessment.
If you are looking for something more spiritual and relaxing I also offer Indian Head Massage, and for ear and sinus problems Hopi Ear Candles.
For pregnant ladies, please see my Pregnancy Massage page.
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